Last Updated December 16, 2011

Privacy Policy

Your trust is important to us. RENAV respects each individual's right to personal privacy. We will collect and use information through our website only in the ways disclosed below. This policy applies solely to information collected on

  1. We do use cookies. A cookie is a small text file that a web server places on a user's computer hard drive to be a unique identifier. Cookies enable companies to track usage patterns and deliver customized content to users.

  2. While we do collect general data that is not personally identifiable, we do not collect personally identifiable information without your knowledge. The personally identifiable information that we collect is supplied to us on our Registration form and on the My Account page.

  3. We will safeguard, according to strict standards of security and confidentiality, any information you share with us. We do not reveal prospect or customer information gathered on to any external organization, except:

       – As authorized by the customer,
       – In an effort to enhance the services we provide, or
       – As required by law.

  4. We may occasionally email promotional or information material about our company or other offers we feel are relevant to our Registered Users, unless they contact us to remove them from our email list.

Please contact us if you have any questions about our Privacy Policy.

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"RENAV saves our company enormous amounts of time every week which allows me to focus on analysis rather than research!"
— Kevin H., Holbrook, LLC

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