Opportunities / Short Sales

Don't just pay more than the competition - avoid them completely!
Use RENAV to quickly identify and analyze the hundreds of short sale and pre-foreclosure opportunities that arise every week so you can make contact and negotiate deals BEFORE the property is lost at auction or listed on the MLS!
Find UNLISTED short sales leads - The National Association of Realtors reports that most owners in foreclosure never even speak with a real estate professional, which explains why the vast majority of distressed properties are never listed on the MLS.
RENAV tracks ALL Colorado foreclosure properties with Notices of Election and Demand (NED) in 19 Colorado counties. NED information is updated daily, so our data is fresh, accurate and a largely untapped source of short-sale leads for investors and Realtors alike. Whether your looking for residential, commercial, industrial or agricultural properties, RENAV will help you find them!
Perform targeted searches - Simply search our comprehensive database by county, zip code, subdivision or any number of other criteria and RENAV will quickly return those distressed properties that meet your strict criteria. Sort them, map them, comp them and identify the properties that meet your business needs, and then execute on your business strategy.
Though we can't negotiate for you, there is no other source that prepares you as well as RENAV to make your short sales happen.
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"Anyone in the real estate industry, whether you're doing auctions or not, should be using Renav.com!"
— Brad H.

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