Foreclosure Data
RENAV for Investors
Are you in the game, or are you on the sidelines? There are 2,341 distressed property opportunities out there, but it's up to you to take action! Whether your investing interests lie in residential, commercial, industrial or agricultural properties, RENAV can help you find them!
Buy foreclosure properties before they're listed -
Don't just pay more than the competition - avoid them completely!
Use RENAV to quickly identify and analyze the hundreds of short sale and pre-foreclosure opportunities that arise every week so you can make contact and negotiate deals BEFORE the property is lost at auction or listed on the MLS!
Quickly analyze auction properties -
Colorado foreclosure auctions are scheduled weekly in every county and RENAV tracks sale dates, continuances and junior liens and alerts you when lender bid numbers are available.
But alerts are only the beginning -powerful analysis, mapping and comping tools help you identify and qualify only the best deals in the shortest amount of time.
Shed some light on REO "Shadow Inventory" -
The vast majority of foreclosure properties go back to the bank to become REO - Real Estate Owned.
RENAV helps you search for UNLISTED REO's and make your investment move BEFORE a Realtor or the competition gets their hands on it.
Automate your process -
Stop manually tracking distressed properties and let RENAV perform this tedious task.
PropertyTracker will alert you to changes in sale dates, bid amounts and sold prices.
Don't lose another short-sale deal to the public trustee auction.
Never stop learning -
RENAV and our educating affiliates provide a variety of learning opportunities focused on distressed property and foreclosure education.
From casual meetups to intensive bootcamps the education we promote is sure to help you grow your business.
Start Your FREE 7-Day Trial!
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Client Testimonials
"You guys are great! You do know how to serve."
— Barb G., MB-Diva Properties