Opportunities / REOs

Hoping to shed some light on the REO "Shadow Inventory" market?
It's a fact that the vast majority of properties in foreclosure go back to the bank to become bank-owned properties or REO - Real Estate Owned. It can take months for these properties to show up on the MLS, but with RENAV, you don't have to wait to turn these "shadows" into real deals.
Identify UNLISTED bank-owned properties - RENAV helps you easily search foreclosure auction sales results for UNLISTED REO's so you can make your investment move BEFORE another Realtor or the competition gets their hands on it. Find bank and attorney contact information and then use our Auction sale and comping tools to determine a market value and justify your offer to list or buy the property.
Automate your property tracking process - PropertyTracker will alert you as soon as the property is sold at auction.
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