Opportunities / Foreclosure Auctions

Colorado foreclosure auctions are scheduled weekly in every county and the competition is fierce!
Your time is valuable, and the weekly foreclosure auction cycle is short. If you're still manually tracking distressed properties and gathering auction property information from around the Web, you're wasting time and missing out on opportunities.
Why not let us do your dirty work?
All the information you need from a single source - RENAV tracks sale dates, continuances and lender bids and alerts you each week as soon as opening bid numbers are available. Foreclosure data is consolidated with property attributes, valuation and additional lien information so your due diligence is started before you even log in.
Tools to analyze each opportunity - Alerts and data are only the beginning - powerful analysis, mapping and comping tools to help you identify and qualify only the best deals in the shortest amount of time.
With a single click our comping tools can help you get a snapshot of ACTUAL market conditions around your subject property. Auction properties are plotted on feature-rich Google maps and StreetView imagery gets you curbside before you even leave the office.
RENAV focuses your efforts so you evaluate only the BEST foreclosure auction opportunities.
Start Your FREE 7-Day Trial!

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Client Testimonials

"I've been a Realtor in Denver for 25 years, and recently took the full day Trustee Sale class and signed up for the Renav service. I have learned so much about the foreclosure sale process, and have used the Renav service to get a great deal on a property at the foreclosure sale. As I had questions through the process, Aaron and everyone connected with Renav have been there with me every step of the way. Thanks again!"
— Tom, Realtor

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