Foreclosure Data
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Enhancements / Cast Your Vote
Help us to improve RENAV! The following projects are being considered for development. Click the up and down arrows (to the right of each suggestion) to cast your vote for the enhancements you would like to see implemented.

Search NED Records by Loan Type – Completed!
Subscribers can now search by Loan Type from the Advanced Search Form.
Searchable Loan Types include: ARM, Balloon, CHAFA, Commercial, Construction, Conventional, Equity, FHA, FNMA, Private, SBA, Seller, VA, and Other.

Do you want to skip this page? Please note that you will be automatically forwarded to the "Quick Search" after each login once you cast your remaining votes.

Integrated Late List Data
60-day late list data for Colorado will be integrated into the RENAV framework you know and rely on.
- Pay by the record, or subscribe to an area.
- New data will be updated weekly.
- Instantly access records, then export, print and map.
This project is 78% towards its target for Phase 2 (Final Planning).

Mail Merge Your Data
Merge your selected NED records with a letter or postcard template.
- Upload your company letterhead, or select a professionally designed template from our online catalog.
- A proof will be sent to you for final approval.
- Your mailing can be returned to you so that you can control when it's sent, or we can send it automatically.
This project is 32% towards its target for Phase 2 (Final Planning).
Sign Up For A Class
Full A-Z class or continuing education classes for licensed brokers... More »